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Fast2 type

title:Fast2 type
download page:link
genre:Rhythm action games
release:January 2009
last edit by:Dark


Fast2 type is a quick action style game based upon the old boppit principle of pressing a key as fast as you can when you hear a certain sound in order to rake in as many points as possible before your time runs out or you lose all your lives.

Unlike other games of this type though, there's a particularly nasty litle catch. There is no "learn game sounds" menue or anything similar sinse The keys you must press for each sound, ---- though always one of the letter keys, will change from game to game. The only way of learning is to hit keys fast and have a good memory. this adds in a new layer of difficulty onto this symple concept, and makes the game refreshingly addictive to play, something which is only helped by the high quality of the sounds and music.

Of course, as is often the case with this style of game, there is an internet scoreboard available, and after each game if you are connected to the net your score will automatically appear there to earn you shame or honour.


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